I come from a family with wide traditions of worship. Snake handling pentacostals, speaking in tongues; atheists; baptists, etc. My father never had much use for religion, but did convert to Catholicism to marry his third wife, who came from a VERY Catholic family...that was long after this tale though. My mother had me baptized in the Episcopal church when I was a baby and she drug me from time to time to services, which I hated. I was fascinated as a kid by all of this stuff....the Fire and Brimstone rantings of the 'Brothers' at my grandparents' church, to the reasoned 'talks' we'd get at the Episcopal church. I never understood what any of them were talking about though...and I certainly didn't believe that anything I did in life was going to get me thrust into a sulfurous pit of fire for all eternity. Between my second and third grade year, my parents decided to move from Ypsi, Michigan to Charleston, SC. Other than my father preferring the south and ...