Manning returned himself from his walkabout to the cavern in which he lived. The cavern was very old and Manning knew that it had been used over and over again as a home by humans, mountain lions, and various other animals over the centuries. He loved the cavern. It was part of him and he was part of it. It sat in the base of a large set of mesas in a desert than had been called Sedonia several centuries ago. That was before the wars. Nothing much had happened in his desert during the century and a half of war that had occurred several hundred years ago, but like the rest of the continent it had suffered from the nuclear and biologic fallout from the weapons that had been used. As a result of this the desert, which had been thought of by most as a barren wasteland then, became a real barren wasteland. Most of the life had disappeared there and like everywhere the basic chemistry and genetics of life, both human and animal, had been altered. After a long time, life slowly returned to th...